§ 1 General – Applicability

1. Our general terms and conditions shall apply exclusively; we shall not accept any of the customer’s conditions that run contrary to or deviate from our own terms and conditions, save only if we have expressly agreed to their applicability in writing. Our terms and conditions shall remain applicable even in cases where we unconditionally supply goods to the customer aware that some of the customer’s conditions run contrary to or deviate from our own terms and conditions.

2. All agreements made between ourselves and the customer for the purpose of executing this contract are recorded in the contract in writing.

3. Our terms and conditions are applicable only to businesses and business people as defined by Article 310 paragraph 1 of the German Civil Code.

§ 2 Tenders – Tender documents

1. If an order qualifies as a tender as defined by Article 145 of the German Civil Code, we shall have the right to take up to 2 weeks to accept it.

2. We reserve copyright and the right of title to all illustrations, drawings, price estimates and sundry documents. This applies likewise to all such written documents as may be marked ‘Confidential’. The customer shall require our express written consent prior to passing these to any third party.

§ 3 Prices – Payment terms

1. Unless otherwise indicated in the order confirmation, our prices are ‘ex works’, exclusive of packaging, which is charged separately.

2. Statutory value added tax is not included in our prices. This will be accounted for separately in our charges at the statutory rate on the date levied.

3. Any deduction of discounts shall require separate written agreement.

4. Unless otherwise indicated in the order confirmation, the purchase price shall become due for immediate payment (with no deductions) upon issue of the invoice. All statutory provisions shall apply in respect of the consequences of late payment.

5. The customer shall only have a right to offset our charges if the customer’s counter claims have been validly raised, are undisputed and are acknowledged by us. The customer shall also be authorised to exercise the right to withhold payment to such extent as his or her counter claim relates to the same contractual relationship.

6. Where contracts involve labour, especially repair contracts, and the customer wishes to be given a firm price, a written estimate of the cost must be provided. The estimate must list in detail the work to be done, the materials required to do the job and the respective prices. We shall honour this estimate for a period of four weeks. Cost estimates are subject to a charge, to be mutually agreed. If an order is placed based on a cost estimate, any costs for the estimate shall be charged against the invoice for the job. When the job is billed, the total price may only be exceeded with the customer’s consent.

§ 4 Lead times

1. All lead times for the supply of goods or services given by us presuppose that all technical matters have been clarified in advance and do not start until they have been.

2. Adherence to our duty to supply goods or services shall be subject to the prompt and proper fulfilment of the customer’s obligations. The customer shall retain the right to object if the contract is not fulfilled.

3. Should the customer delay acceptance of our goods or services, or breach any other obligation to cooperate with us, we shall be entitled to demand reimbursement of all losses incurred by us to that point, including any exceptional expenses. We also reserve the right to make other more far-reaching claims.

4. Subject to the conditions of paragraph 3, risk of the purchased item being accidentally destroyed or damaged passes to the customer at the point that the customer falls into arrears in terms of payment or acceptance of the goods.

5. Where the purchase contract on which our dealings are based constitutes a transaction for the supply of goods or services by a fixed date, as defined by Article 286, paragraph 2, no. 4 of the German Civil Code or Article 376 of the German Commercial Code, our liability shall be in accordance with statutory provisions. Our liability shall also be in accordance with statutory provisions, if we are responsible for a delay in supplying goods or services and as a consequence thereof the customer becomes entitled to assert that he or she no is no longer interested in any further work being done to fulfil the contract.

6. We shall also be liable in accordance with statutory provisions if a delay in supplying goods or services is due to any wilful or grossly negligent breach of contract for which we our responsible; any fault of our representatives or agents is to be apportioned to us. If the delay is not due to any wilful or grossly negligent breach of contract for which we are responsible, our liability for any reimbursement of losses shall be limited to such losses as can be foreseen and typically arise in such cases.

7. We shall also be liable in accordance with statutory provisions if a delay in supplying goods or services for which we are responsible is due to a culpable breach of a substantive contractual obligation; in such event however, our liability for any reimbursement of losses shall be limited to such losses as can be foreseen and typically arise in such cases.

8. Further, in the event of a delay in supplying goods or services our liability shall be by way of flat rate compensation in the sum of 3% of the value of the goods or services to be supplied for each completed week of delay, and in any event not more than 15% of the total value. The customer’s statutory rights and entitlements are unaffected by the foregoing.

9. Weitere gesetzliche Ansprüche und Rechte des Bestellers bleiben vorbehalten.

§ 5 Transfer of risk – Packaging costs

1. Unless otherwise indicated in the order confirmation, all supplies are agreed to be ‘ex works’. In accordance with German packaging legislation, and with the exception of pallets, transport and all other packaging materials are not to be returned. The customer is required to take care of the disposal of packaging materials at his or her own cost.

2. If the customer so wishes, we shall have the delivery covered by transport insurance. All costs arising from this shall be borne by the customer.

3. Sofern der Besteller es wünscht, werden wir die Lieferung durch eine Transportversicherung eindecken; die insoweit anfallenden Kosten trägt der Besteller.

§ 6 Defect liability

1. It is a prerequisite of making a claim for any defect that customers fulfil their obligations as per Article 377 of the German Commercial Code to inspect deliveries and lodge complaints in the proper way.

2. If a purchased item has a defect, the customer shall be entitled at his or her discretion to have this made good either by way of having the defect remedied or through the supply of a new, defect-free item. Where remedial work is chosen, we shall be obliged to bear all expenses necessary for remedying the defect, especially transport, toll, labour and material costs, as long as these are not increased by the purchased item having been moved to a location other than that originally stipulated for execution of the contract.

3. If the make good work fails, the customer shall be entitled at his or her discretion to cancel the contract or to demand a reduction in the price.

4. Our liability shall be in accordance with statutory provisions if the customer asserts any claims for compensation of losses caused by wilful intent or gross negligence, including wilful intent or gross negligence of our representatives or agents. Insofar as we are not accused of any wilful breach of contract, our liability for any reimbursement of losses shall be limited to such losses as can be foreseen and typically arise in such cases.

5. Our liability shall also be in accordance with statutory provisions if we culpably breach a contractual obligation. In such event however, our liability for any reimbursement of losses shall be limited to such losses as can be foreseen and typically arise in such cases.

6. Liability in respect of culpable injury to life, body or health is unaffected. This applies likewise for obligatory liability in accordance with the German Product Liability Act.

7. To such extent as the foregoing does not rule to the contrary, we accept no liability.

8. All claims in respect of defects must be made within 12 months from the date on which risk is transferred.

9. The period of validity for seeking recourse in respect of goods supplied, as per Articles 478 and 479 of the German Civil Code, remains unaffected; it is five years, calculated from the date of supply of the defective item

10. Where contracts involve labour, especially repair contracts, we shall be liable if the work is defective to make it good or to do it again. If we completely and categorically decline to make the work good, if we decline to do so or to remedy defects due to disproportionate costs, if the make good work goes wrong or is deemed of unreasonable quality by the customer, the customer may, at his or her discretion, demand instead of the contract being fulfilled a lowering of the remuneration (a price reduction) or the cancellation (termination) of the contract, plus compensation subject to the liability limitations set out in paragraphs 5 and 6. However, the customer shall have no right to terminate for minor contractual contraventions, especially minor defects. Where a defect constitutes a breach of a contractual obligation, but we cannot be held responsible for such breach, the customer shall not be entitled to terminate the contract. Customers’ rights, other than those in respect of construction sites, expire one year from acceptance of the work or repaired item.

§ 7 Joint liability

1. We accept no liability for compensation beyond that provided for in clause 6, regardless of the legal nature of any claim raised. This applies in particular to compensation claims arising from any default at the time of contract signature, due to any other breaches of contractual duties or due to any tort claims for compensation of material damages as per Article 823 of the German Civil Code.

2. To such extent as we are not liable to pay compensation, or insofar as our liability is limited, this shall also apply in respect of the personal compensation liability of our executives, employees, contractors, representatives and agents.

3. Bei Mangelhaftigkeit des Werkes leistet die BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG nach ihrer Wahl Nacherfüllung durch Nachbesserung oder Neuherstellung. Ist die vereinbarte Vergütung noch nicht vollständig entrichtet, kann die BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG die Nacherfüllung davon abhängig machen, dass der Kunde einen Teil der Vergütung entrichtet, soweit dies unter Berücksichtigung des geltend gemachten Mangels angemessen ist.

4. Hat der Kunde noch Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber der BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG aus anderen Verträgen, kann die BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG auch ein Zurückbehaltungsrecht an den, zur Reparatur oder Wartung angelieferten Maschinen, geltend machen.

5. Die Nacherfüllung erstreckt sich nur auf diejenigen Teile der Leistung, die den Mangel aufweisen oder die durch den Mangel trotz sachgemäßer Behandlung zwangsläufig beschädigten Teile. Ersatzteile gehen in das Eigentum der BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG über.

6. Der Besteller ist nach seiner Wahl berechtigt, die Vergütung zu mindern oder vom Vertrag zurückzutreten und Schadensersatz statt der Leistung zu verlangen, wenn eine Nacherfüllung ernsthaft und endgültig verweigert oder wenn die von uns gewählte Art der Nacherfüllung fehlgeschlagen oder dem Besteller unzumutbar ist oder der Besteller erfolglos eine angemessene Frist zur Nacherfüllung gesetzt hat.

7. Die Ansprüche auf Rücktritt vom Vertrag und Schadensersatz statt der Leistung sind ausgeschlossen, wenn und soweit der geltend gemachte Mangel die Eignung der Leistung für die vertraglich vorausgesetzte oder bei Leistungen der gleichen Art übliche Verwendung nicht oder nur unerheblich einschränkt.

8. Jede weitere Haftung der BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG für Sach- oder Rechtsmängel ist ausgeschlossen, sofern diese nicht arglistig verschwiegen oder die BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG eine schriftliche Garantie für die Beschaffenheit der Leistung übernommen haben.

9. Die BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG haftet nach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen für Schäden aus der Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit, die auf einer vorsätzlichen oder fahrlässigen Pflichtverletzung der gesetzlichen Vertreter, Mitarbeiter oder Erfüllungsgehilfen beruhen sowie für sonstige Schäden, die auf einer vorsätzlichen oder grob fahrlässigen Pflichtverletzung ihrer gesetzlichen Vertreter, Mitarbeiter oder Erfüllungsgehilfen beruhen.

10. Die BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG schuldet nach Maßgabe der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen Schadensersatz oder Ersatz der dem Besteller entstandenen Aufwendungen, wenn ein Schaden auf der Verletzung einer von uns übernommenen Garantie für die Beschaffenheit der Werkleistung beruht oder die gesetzlichen Vertreter, Mitarbeiter oder Erfüllungsgehilfen von uns schuldhaft oder grob fahrlässig eine Pflicht verletzt haben, die für die Erreichung des Vertragszwecks von wesentlicher Bedeutung ist. Die BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG haftet auch, wenn die gesetzlichen Vertreter, Mitarbeiter oder Erfüllungsgehilfen schuldhaft oder grob fahrlässig eine Pflicht zur Rücksicht auf die Rechte. Rechtsgüter und Interessen des Bestellers verletzt haben und dem Kunden die Leistung durch die BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG nicht mehr zumutbar ist. Insoweit ist die Haftung auf den typischerweise bei Geschäften der vorliegenden Art entstehenden Schaden begrenzt.

11. Soweit die Haftung ausgeschlossen oder begrenzt ist, gilt dies auch für die persönliche Haftung von Angestellten, Arbeitnehmern, Vertretern und Erfüllungsgehilfen der BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG.

12. Die Verjährungsfrist für Ansprüche und Rechte wegen Mängeln der gelieferten Produkte, Dienst- und Werkleistungen sowie die daraus entstehenden Schäden beträgt ein Jahr.

13. Diese Verjährungsfrist gilt nicht im Falles des Vorsatzes, wenn der Mangel arglistig verschwiegen wurde, eine Garantie für die Beschaffenheit der Leistung übernommen wurde, bei Schadensersatzansprüchen wegen Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit oder Freiheit einer Person, bei Ansprüchen aus dem Produkthaftungsgesetz, bei einer grob fahrlässigen Pflichtverletzung oder bei schuldhafter Verletzung wesentlicher Vertragspflichten.

§ 8 Gesamthaftung, Voraussetzungen für Gewährleistungs- oder Garantieansprüche

1. Eine weitergehende Haftung auf Schadensersatz als in § 6 oder § 7 vorgesehen, ist – ohne Rücksicht auf die Rechtsnatur des geltend gemachten Anspruchs – ausgeschlossen. Dies gilt insbesondere für Schadensersatzansprüche aus Verschulden bei Vertragsabschluss, wegen sonstiger Pflichtverletzungen oder wegen deliktischer Ansprüche auf Ersatz von Sachschäden gemäß § 823 BGB.

2. Soweit die Schadensersatzhaftung uns gegenüber ausgeschlossen oder eingeschränkt ist, gilt dies auch im Hinblick auf die persönliche Schadensersatzhaftung unserer Angestellten, Arbeitnehmer, Mitarbeiter, Vertreter und Erfüllungsgehilfen.

3. Ansprüche auf Gewährleistung oder Garantie können nur geltend gemacht werden, sofern die von der BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG vorgeschriebenen oder empfohlenen Wartungs-, Inspektions- und Servicearbeiten von der BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG oder einer anerkannten Fachwerkstatt (Meisterbetrieb) lückenlos durchgeführt worden sind und bei allen Arbeiten an den Maschinen Original-Teile (Ersatzteile, Verschleißteile) verwendet werden. Die Durchführung dieser Arbeiten ist der BMS Bau-Maschinen-Service AG bei der Geltendmachung etwaiger Gewährleistungs- oder Garantieansprüche nachzuweisen.

§ 9 Retention of title

1. We shall retain title to the purchased item until all payments arising from the transaction have been received. If the customer contravenes the terms of the contract, especially by falling into payment arrears, we shall be entitled to take back the purchased item. Our taking back of the purchased item shall not constitute termination of the contract, unless we had specifically stated this in writing. However, if we have the purchased item impounded this shall always constitute termination of the contract. After taking back the purchased item, we shall be entitled to sell this on. After deduction of reasonable sales costs, the sale proceeds are to be credited against the customer’s debts.

2. The customer shall be obliged to treat the purchased item carefully until full payment has been made. In particular, the customer shall be obliged to provide adequate insurance at his or her own expense at the item’s value when new against losses arising from fire, flood or theft. If maintenance or inspection work is necessary, the customer must carry these out promptly at his or her own expense.

3. If a third party places a distress order or makes any other claim on the purchased item, the customer is to give us written notification of this without delay, so that we can institute proceedings as per Article 771 of the German Code of Civil Procedure (CCP). If the third party is not able to reimburse us for the legal and out of court costs of proceedings as per Article 771 of the CCP, the customer shall be liable for the losses we incur.

4. The customer shall be entitled to sell on the purchased item in the normal course of business. Even now, however, the customer hereby assigns to us, to the value of the final invoice amount (including VAT) of our charges, all monetary claims arising from such sales that accrue to him or her against his or her end-users or third parties, regardless of whether or not further work is done on the purchased item before it is sold on. Even after such assignment, the customer shall remain authorised to collect such receivables. Our entitlement to collect these receivables ourselves remains unaffected by this. However, we undertake not to collect these debts as long as the customer fulfils his or her payment obligations from the proceeds received, does not fall into arrears and in particular as long as no application has been made to commence bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings and no formal suspension of payment is in effect. If, however, this is the case, we shall be entitled to demand that the customer gives us details of all of the assigned debts and related debtors, gives us all information required to collect them, hands over all associated paperwork and informs the debtors (third parties) of the assignment.

5. Any processing or conversion of the purchased item by the customer shall be deemed always to be done on our behalf. If the purchased item is processed with other objects that do not belong to us, we shall acquire joint title in the new item in proportion to the purchased item’s value (invoice total, including VAT) pro rata to the value of the other processed objects at the time of such processing. Further, the same provisions shall apply for any item arising from such processing as for the item originally purchased and supplied, to which we retain title.

6. If the purchased item is inseparably mixed with items that do not belong to us, we shall acquire joint title to the new item in proportion to the purchased item’s value (invoice total, including VAT) pro rata to the value of the other mixed objects at the time of such mixing. If mixing is done in such a way that the customer’s item is to be regarded as the main object, then it shall be deemed agreed that the customer shall transfer joint title to us pro rata and that the customer shall hold safe for us such sole or joint title thus arising.

7. We undertake that, if the value that can be realised from the securities to which we are entitled exceeds the debts to be secured by more than 10%, we shall, on request from the customer, surrender such securities to the extent of such excess. It shall be for us to choose which securities to surrender.

§ 10 Jurisdiction – Place of execution

1. If the customer is a commercial operator, jurisdiction shall rest with the courts of the area in which our registered office is located. We shall however also be entitled to bring actions against the customer in the courts of the area in which he or she is domiciled.

2. Unless otherwise indicated in the order confirmation, the place of execution shall be the city in which our registered office is located.